La modernisation mainframe : du diagnostic de faisabilité avec CAST à la...
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Les nouveautés Winter Release de CAST Highlight : usabilité globale et Green...
Green IT - Treiber für Zukunftsfähigkeit
Case Study
MACOM enhances discovery, performance and modernization of critical legacy applications
Moving beyond lift & shift to modernize critical applications
Top tier Consultancy designs modernization of a ‘black-box’ core mainframe application in under a month
Major advisory firm stabilizes and modernizes business critical software
Insights-based Legacy Modernization Strategy
Les nouveautés (Fall Release) de CAST Highlight : Cloud Maturity et Maîtrise de...
Managing software complexity in digital transformation
Beyond legacy: the road to mainframe modernization
The custom software control tower: How to de-risk custom business applications
When greater visibility drives better data security
Dedalus governs open-source risks in a fraction of the time it previously took
Vitrana slashes OSS security vulnerabilities by over two-thirds with CAST Highlight
Leonardo e CAST: una collaborazione lunga 8 anni
Four tough questions about your software you are afraid to ask
Software Intelligence : La Due Diligence Technologique pour le Private Equity...
Highlight Summer Release : Open Source et Conteneurs
Data Sheet
CAST Highlight Overview
CAST Imaging Overview
Reducing M&A risks with fact-based tech due diligence
Software composition analysis demystified: uncovering and managing open source...
Uncovering Risks of Open Source in M&A Transactions
Il Software Sostenibile nei programmi ESG
CAST Imaging per il governo e la modernizzazione delle applicazioni in INAIL
Take control of the chaos with an open source software Control Tower
Four Tough Questions About Your Software You are Afraid to Ask
FinOps e oltre: strategia cloud e sostenibilità del software
Highlight Spring Release : Renforcer votre capacité à disposer d'une "Tour de...
Mainframe Transformation: un gioco di squadra
Modernización de aplicaciones para la nube y en la nube, más rápida y segura